16:02 22 April 2020
Bagrovy Liza and Matvey
epidermolysis bullosa
0 rubles left
Need to collect: 300 000 rubles
Collected: 608 148 rubles
We need to collect
300000 rubles
How to help?
Donate now
- Send an SMS from your mobile phone to the short number 3443 with the text "Izgelek" and the amount of payment. Thus, if you donate 150 rubles, your message will look like this: "Izgelek 150".
- You can make a donation with Visa, MasterCard right now. All transferred funds will go to the current account of the Izgelek Charity Fund. The report on donations and expenditures of the fund is updated daily at izgelek.com. If you want to make a donation for a specific program, select the program from the proposed list in the "Purpose" field. If you would like to donate to a specific person, be sure to select their first and last name.